Sunday, February 15, 2009

Audio Erratum Vol.1 Pt.1 - The Dual La2a

This is an interesting project: a remake of the Teletronix La2a tube opto stereo.
Board design is courtesy of [Silent:Arts] via the ProdigyPro forum. Many thanks to the Prodigy community for this one!

I decided to give my version a little taste of the original Teletronix La2a by using UTC A-10 and A-24 transformers. I'm still looking into original T4Bs but, for now, have a pair of clones done by DripElectronics. In my opinion, transformer Lams will have more of an effect on the sonics than the opto circuit anyways.

So far (with no test for power up as of yet) I have the PCB populated, power toroidal, power wiring, all front panel switches and pots and right channel audio wired.
Left to do is left channel audio, meters, power indicator lamp and get some nice tubes!
Here's a sourcing tip: find parts from the Ham radio crowd as opposed to broadcast or pro-audio people: way better deals.

Something to consider: these things have TONS of gain, use a 12AT7 or 12AY7 in the first stage as opposed to the higher gain 12AX7/ECC83.
Variants of the 12AT7 include the Amperex PQ 7062 series (a pin to pin replacement for a 12AT7) which I am looking for now. 5-star 6201's are also worth checking out. Any NOS GE 5-star is good by me as are Telefunken tubes.

I've been putting this together piece by piece over a matter of many months due to the expensive nature of quality parts. Still need to get: one set of UTCs, meters and tubes. Pretty much all the parts that give the comp soul...besides the circuit design of course.
Hopefully it will be finished soon, I have vocals to squash!

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